ISO 22000

Food Saefty Management System – ISO 22000

Food safety Management System helps to deliver food that’s safe to eat. ISO 22000 is an excellent framework to help implement a food safety management system (FSMS).

How food is grown, transported, manufactured and even consumed has changed significantly since the original standard was published over a decade ago. The standard considers these changes and aims to help organizations reduce food safety hazards.

In addition to making ISO 22000 and the resulting FSMS easier to integrate with other ISO management systems, the new version of the standard also introduces the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking. By combining PDCA and risk-based thinking to manage business risk with HACCP to identify, prevent and control food safety hazards, ISO 22000 helps organizations to reduce exposure to risk and improve safety.

Benefits of ISO 22000

  • Introduce internationally recognized processes to your business
  • Give suppliers and stakeholders confidence in your hazard controls
  • Put these hazard controls in place across your supply chain
  • Introduce transparency around accountability and responsibilities
  • Continually improve and update your systems so it stays effective
  • ISO 22000 contains the food safety management system requirements of FSSC 22000 (which is a Global Food Safety Initiative, GFSI recognised scheme) and is used along with requirements for prerequisite programs for the appropriate industry sector.